Resources for those separating or divorcing

Acutely aware that people often don’t know where to turn at this difficult time, this month we would like to draw your attention to some really good resources that are freely available.

1. CAFCASS (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service) ups/parents-and-carers/divorce-and-separation/ provides excellent information to help both parents and children. The information has been assembled with input from therapists, child psychologists, lawyers and other experienced professionals.

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3.Law And offers an information source for parents wishing to learn about their legal responsibilities and their rights in relation to their children.

4.Families Need Fathers – provides help with shared parenting issues arising from relationship breakdown whether you’re the mum or dad, married or unmarried.

We are a team of 5 experienced lawyers but, what makes us different to a firm of solicitors, is that we are acting as divorce consultants. We help people navigate the legal maze and stop them making expensive mistakes. We use our experience of the divorce process to find solutions to lower the temperature and save money.

If the above resonates or you know someone who may benefit from speaking to us, please do contact me. We don’t charge for an initial consultation.

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Contact Divorce Solutions for an initial, confidential assessment whatever your situation. 

Divorce Solutions is a trading name of Prestige Advice Limited (Company Registration No. 8787443)
This business is not a law practice.

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